Select Houston Pools - Customer Testimonials

What our clients are saying...

“I grew up in Houston, Texas and all of my neighborhood friends had backyard pools. Since then, I’ve always dreamed of building a pool in my own backyard, and Select Houston Pools made that dream come true. The design phase was fun and I was asked to contribute ideas, while the actual build was painless and faster than I imagined.” – Ron Robson

“My new pool has changed my life in so many ways, from the daily exercise I now enjoy to the summer days spent splashing around with the kids. I never knew how simple and affordable building my own backyard pool could be!” – Tessa James

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Our Process

Design Your Dream Pool

Let our experts help you design your dream pool.

Plan the Features

Pick and choose from many fewatures and considerations we have.

Develop - Let Us Make It Happen

Let us do the work and build your dream pool.

Design Pool Design
Plan Pool Plan
Build Pool Develop
Pool Construction